All about VAE!

All about VAE!


Discover our practical guide to VAE. Validate your knowledge, based on your experience, to obtain a professional certification!

TO SHAREValidation-of-photo-knowledge

But you don’t know how to go about it ? How does it work ? Who is affected by this device ? Who to contact ? Do not panic ! We give you the 7 essential points to know on this subject !

What is the VAE ?

The validation of acquired experience is an individual right enshrined in the Labor Code and the Education Code. This measure allows anyone, regardless of their age, level of education or status, to have their acquired experience validated in order to obtain professional certification .

All titles listed in the  National Directory of Professional Certifications  are accessible through the VAE. Usually, the whole process lasts less than a year (between 8 and 12 months). A Pass or a block validated through the VAE is  valid for life . 😍

Why do a VAE ?

The main objective of a VAE is to obtain a diploma or certification through the recognition of your professional and personal skills. It is therefore a training action that allows you to  enhance your profile on the scale of the job market in the  short or medium term. The VAE is a real springboard to boost your career and positive  outlook  on yourself . 🚀

What are the benefits of a VAE ?

  • Develop your employability;
  • Secure your career path;
  • Obtain official recognition;
  • Strengthen your self-esteem;
  • Grow professionally;
  • Start a professional retraining;
  • Become an entrepreneur.

Who is affected by the VAE ?

The VAE is open to everyone. It does not matter your age, your status (employee, craftsman, job seeker, etc.), or your level of training. Only one condition: to be able to justify at least one year (continuously or not) of activity directly related to the certification you are aiming for.

More specifically, whatever your level of qualification and the diplomas already obtained, to apply for a VAE, you must:

Have carried out a salaried professional activity (CDI, CDD, temporary), non-salaried (craftsman, merchant, etc.), voluntary or volunteering, a sporting activity as soon as you are registered on the list of high-level athletes;

Or have exercised trade union responsibilities (for example, trade union delegates), a local electoral mandate or a local elected office.

The VAE is a process that  takes place in several stages  :

  • Define your project;
  • Ask about ;
  • Identify a diploma that corresponds to his skills;
  • Obtain financial aid for your VAE;
  • Submit the 1 VAE booklet;
  • Preparing for validation — Booklet 2 VAE;
  • The final evaluation.
  • Find out more about the different stages of VAE.

The reimbursement of your VAE depends on your current status

Employee:  several options are possible depending on your situation. Your financial support may be provided by your employer, by the Caisse des dépôts et consignations which manages the CPF or by the State . There may also be regional aid for the development of VAE.

Beneficiary of a CUI-CAE subsidized contract: You must inquire with your employer. In the territorial public service, it is the CNFPT which finances the process.

Beneficiary of a CUI-CIE subsidized contract : You must inquire with your employer to find out about possible financing.

Interim: You must make a request to the opco Akto which gives you the regional contacts for information and to make your request for support.

Disabled worker: You can benefit from advice and financial aid.

Volunteer or volunteer in civic service: You must inquire either with the person in charge or the service in charge of human resources of the association , the foundation, the non-governmental non-profit organization or the public body where you carry out your mission. Or with a PRC in your region who can inform you of the various financing possibilities for your project depending on your situation.
